


The time has come.

Train your brain to lose weight and REVERSE disease permanently.

Prescribing healthy habits for weight loss success!

How we used one formula to make the SMARTEST weight loss program!

    Hi, we are Dr. Naveen Gupta and Dr. Tina Gupta. We are sisters and medical doctors who have a passion for helping people such as yourself, lose weight in order to live a disease-free happy life.


    Growing up, I, Naveen knew from a young age that I wanted to become a medical doctor and my sister Tina always felt that her purpose in life was to be of service to others.


    After completing our Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology we both went on to pursue Medicine. As medical doctors, we aided in the advancement of healthcare by co-authoring a medical book, and publishing research articles in acclaimed medical journals.


    At the time we felt like we were really contributing to the health and wellbeing of others but that soon changed.


    We started really listening to patients and realized that the healthcare system didn’t seem to address many of their underlying issues. Instead, it seemed as if patients were struggling with the same problems despite being treated with medication.

    Can you relate to the following?

    • You are a Diabetic who has difficulty in managing your blood sugar levels.

    • Your Blood Pressure is through the roof and are scared you are going to have a Heart Attack.

    • You have High Cholesterol but refuse to take medication because it causes aches and pain so it just keeps getting worse.

    • You are Prediabetic and want to stop before you become Diabetic.

    • You have mobility issues or joint pain from being overweight or obese.

    • You are Sad or Depressed and can’t motivate yourself to eat healthy and exercise.

    • You are constantly Stressed or Anxious so you seek “comfort foods.”

    • You feel tired all the time and too Fatigued to workout.

    • Your weight keeps fluctuating and you can’t seem to find a permanent fix.

    • You are Overweight or Obese and are struggling to lose weight.

    • You’ve tried every diet and exercise under the sun but still gain all the weight back.

    • You’re not happy with the person looking back in the mirror.

    If you can, then you are not alone.

    Nowadays, 80% of the diseases that we face today are these same chronic conditions which cannot be fixed with a pill. Research has shown that in order to tackle these diseases you need to change your lifestyle.


    So my sister and I decided to forgo the traditional route of medicine and instead follow our passion. We began learning about Lifestyle Medicine and fell in love with healthcare again!


    Many of you might not have ever heard of Lifestyle Medicine because it’s a relatively new Medical specialty but it’s quickly proving to be the BEST way to change the outcome of your diagnosis.


    What we find exhilarating is how Lifestyle Medicine not only PREVENTS chronic diseases but can also REVERSE diseases too!

    That means:

    • NO MORE Diabetes

    • NO MORE High Blood Pressure

    • NO MORE High Cholesterol

    • NO MORE Heart Disease

    • NO MORE Strokes

    • NO MORE Fatty Liver Disease

    • NO MORE Obesity


      That sounds pretty amazing right?! And the best part is that it can all be done NATURALLY with lifestyle changes!


      See, many people don’t realize that diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Strokes etc. have a common risk factor – WEIGHT!


      Being overweight or obese can lead to developing these diseases and many more. However, if you can lose weight, then you can REVERSE your disease diagnosis.


      But let’s face it. Knowing this and actually being able to do it successfully is a completely different ballgame. Weight loss and weight loss maintenance is a huge struggle because we’re never really told how to EXACTLY lose the weight and keep it off.


      Afterall, how many times have you been told that you can lose weight quickly with a particular fad diet or a certain trend? The part that sucks is how hard it is to sustain these diets over a longer period of time. And it honestly creates an endless, vicious cycle of weight loss – weight gain. Meaning you never truly get the opportunity to become disease free even though you’re willing to do the work to get there.


      So do you want to know what can break this cycle once and for all? What is the answer to losing the weight, keeping it off, and being disease free in the process?


      The answer is to change your daily lifestyle habits.


      And guess what?! That’s what we’re here to help you do! We’ll help you lose weight by finding the root cause of your weight gain. And show you how to develop healthy habits that will reverse your disease for good. 

      Psychology reveals that your habits or behaviors determine your everyday routines and that all starts in your mind, including your weight loss habits.  


      My sister and I firmly believe after looking at the research that weight loss is more than simply physical. It requires a holistic approach, including both the body and mind, which is never really addressed.


      Weight gain doesn’t happen all at once but occurs overtime due to poor lifestyle choices. These poor choices are a reflection of what’s going on in your mind which is what we encourage you to observe.


      The choices you make about your diet, fitness and multiple other factors matter on a DAILY BASIS and shows in your health and weight.


      As medical doctors and advocates of Lifestyle Medicine we felt it necessary to learn more about these life-changing healthy habits. As a result, I became certified as a Weight Management Expert along with my sister who became certified as a Fitness Nutrition Expert.


      We feel so strongly about the benefits that healthy habits carry for weight loss and disease prevention/reversal that we practice them daily as well.


      Based on what we know and what medical evidence supports, losing weight is FUNDAMENTAL in reversing your diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, fatty liver disease and obesity.


      Many have done this by adopting these very habits and now it’s YOUR TURN!


      Finally lose weight the right, healthy way and REVERSE YOUR DISEASE permanently.  






      Prescribing healthy habits for weight loss success!

      Train your brain to LOSE WEIGHT and REVERSE disease permanently.

      Here’s what you will get inside program:


      SMART & Skinny Habits is the ULTIMATE successful weight loss program backed entirely by research. With almost 200 cited reference material.

      Inside you will learn:

      • The weight basics including causes of weight gain, weight myths and why traditional diets don’t work.

      • The psychology behind weight loss.

      • Habit techniques on how to form the right healthy habits to lose weight and how to change unhealthy habits that promote weight gain.

      • Mindful habits that are essential for your weight loss journey.

      • Diet habits that work for a busy and budget friendly lifestyle.

      • Fitness habits for those who feel too tired and unmotivated.

      • Other weight loss contributors like sleep, stress, hormones, environmental toxins and more that many don’t talk about but are key to your weight loss success!

      • The good, bad and the ugly effects of technology on weight loss.

      But that’s not all! We wanted this to not just be a simple weight loss program but a BLUEPRINT that can get you ACTUAL results from. So we've included these resources inside the program:

      • A SMART & Skinny Weight Loss Plan to guide you on your weight loss journey

      • SMART & Skinny Habits Worksheets found strategically throughout within the program for your personal weight loss goals.

      And, there’s MORE!

      Get these BONUSES to help you change your habits and FINALLY lose weight:

      BONUS #1

      Weight Loss Grocery List

      Diet is the #1 way to lose weight. If you can master your diet habits then you are golden!


      This is the ultimate weight loss grocery list for you to take while grocery shopping! It has all the foods you need to lose weight and reverse disease with plenty of options that are crucial for your weight loss journey.

      BONUS #2

      Weight Loss Meditation Guide

      Awareness is an important element for you to lose weight and ultimately reverse your disease. Developing a mind-body connection has been scientifically proven to help you lose weight and maintain weight loss for a lifetime. Our Meditation Guide does just this!


      We go into depth on how to start meditating with a step-by-step script designed for beginners to help you get started on your weight loss goals and disease reversal.

      BONUS #3

      Sleep Hygiene Habits Checklist

      Do you want to sleep your way to weight loss?

      Well today's your lucky day!


      Poor sleep is a MAJOR contributor of weight gain and it's the last thing you should be worried about while getting some snooze!


      This amazing checklist will not only help you get better sleep but also benefits you by, feeling less hungry, more relaxed and putting you in full gear the next morning!


      BONUS #4

      Self-Care Habits Checklist

      We want you to thrive when it comes to your weight loss journey and that includes improving the way you feel about yourself!


      This checklist will make sure that you become a priority while improving your mental health.


      Definitely a must when it comes to losing weight for disease reversal!  

      BONUS #5

      Weight Loss Journal Prompts

      Weight loss journals have become a game changer when it comes to losing weight! Studies have revealed how yo-yo dieters were finally able to stop weight gain by this one simple trick and we want that for you to!


      Journaling can be difficult for many because you don’t know where to start so we wanted to make things easy by giving you these effective weight loss prompts.


      These journal prompts are straightforward and will motivate you to write about your weight loss journey while helping you to continue the inner dialogue, necessary for weight loss success and disease reversal.

      BONUS #6

      Weight Loss Recipes

      Need some inspiration in the kitchen? Especially on the days when you’re one click away from completing your UberEATS order?


      Well, have no fear we are here!


      We’ve written 30 different recipes, including breakfast options, brunch, lunch, and dinner meals not to mention our take on an alcoholic beverage and dessert too!


      We created these delicious recipes using common ingredients but with a unique twist. Jam packed full of flavor, these meals have been created to curb your appetite and keep you full, guaranteed!

      BONUS #7

      Mindful Eating Tracker

      Take back control of your food cravings with this handy dandy tracker in hand.


      Use our carefully crafted Mindful Eating Tracker to stop binge eating and emotional eating once and for all!


      Consisting of 10 columns which guide you through which ever meal(s) you choose, this tracker shows you how to be mindfully aware while eating so that you can understand your diet patterns and avoid food temptations.

      BONUS #8

      Healthy Habit Tracker

      This Healthy Habit Tracker is an amazing template for tracking your daily progress and holding you accountable when it comes to your personal weight loss goals.


      By creating small, simple habits you will feel more motivated to complete your weight loss tasks and will stay the course enough to reverse disease.


      This tracker is the epitome of the saying, small habits lead to big changes.


      Weight Loss Mantras

      Your weight loss beliefs are integral when it comes to you losing weight and reversing disease.


      These positive affirmations are feel-good mantras to kickstart your day so that you succeed in your weight loss efforts.


      With over 150 mantras, these can be printed off a placed on your mirror, your desk, your fridge, your car, anywhere! Through regular repetition every morning, evening, or anytime in between, you’ll see vast difference in yourself and your weight!


      Private Support Group

      Having the right support system when trying to lose weight is an important facet which The Lifestyle Cure aims to fulfil. That’s why we’ve created the SMART & Skinny Weight Loss facebook group.  


      Become a part of our supportive and uplifting community of members that share your goals and want to see you succeed!


      This is a private group meaning that you don’t have to worry about sharing your thoughts, feelings, accomplishment and/or setbacks with everyone else in the world.


      It’s purely a judgement free zone where you can go to for a sense of community and belonging.

      Hope to see you there, we’ll be waiting! 

      Created By Doctors

      60 DAYS

      Lose the Weight or Get Your Money Back!

      We are incredibly confident that SMART & Skinny Habits will help you achieve weight loss that we are ready to take all the risk and guarantee your results.


      Get results or Don’t pay a Dime!


      If you feel the program did not help you lose weight, just send an email to and we will send you your money back!

      All we ask for is proof that you tried the concepts in the program via filled in worksheets, photos of the recipes, checklists, trackers, journal entries and interaction with our Facebook support group.

      Meet the SMART & Skinny Habits Creators Behind The Transformational Program

      Dr. Tina Gupta

      MBBS, BSc,

      ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Expert

      Dr. Tina Gupta graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Biology followed by a Medical Doctorate degree from Manipal University (MBBS). Dr.Gupta went on to co-author the medical book Beta-Blockers: Physiological, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Interventions and published the research article The Case For Confirmation: Atrial Flutter in the American Journal of Medicine and the article Syndromic or Sporadic? Atrial myxoma, as a component of Carney’s Complex in the Journal of Heart and Vascular Diseases at The University of California Davis. She is currently a certified Fitness Nutrition Expert who also engages in healthy living. She follows a plant-based diet, regularly strength trains, engages in a variety of cardio exercises, and practices yoga and meditation for her health and wellbeing.

      Dr. Naveen Gupta

      MBBS, BSc, 

      ACE Certified Weight Management Expert

      Dr. Naveen Gupta graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology followed by a Medical Doctorate degree from Manipal University (MBBS). Dr. Gupta co-authored the medical book Beta-Blockers: Physiological, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Interventions and published the research article The Case For Confirmation: Atrial Flutter in the American Journal of Medicine at The University of California Davis. She is currently a certified Weight Loss Management Expert and a strong advocate for Lifestyle Medicine. Personally, she follows a plant-based diet, does intermittent fasting and regularly exercises. Dr. Gupta is passionate about teaching others how to improve their health and reverse their chronic diseases through diet, fitness, stress and sleep management and healthy relationships.


      We'll show you how

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Here are a few answers to our most common questions

      What is the SMART & Skinny Habits Program about?

      What makes this program different from other weight loss programs?

      Is it a one time fee? Are there any hidden fees?

      Is there a guarantee?

      Who is this program for?

      Who is this program not for?

      Will the weight come back?

      How much weight will I lose with this program?

      Will I be able to reverse my Diabetes?

      Is my credit card secure?





      Prescribing Healthy Habits For Weight Loss Success!

      Change your habits. Lose the weight. Reverse your disease. 

      Created by DOCTORS!

      100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!

      © Copyrights by The Lifestyle Cure. All Rights Reserved.